Performance (1998): I` m standing in a
lime-tree-trunk. It reaches to my eyes. I` m focussing the wall. Duration: 70-90 minutes;
performed at: Performance, Erfrischungsraum, Lucerne, Switzerland, 1998; Kunstinterventionen,
Franziskanergärtli, Lucerne, Switzerland 1999; Cadavre Exquis, BOA , Lucerne, Switzerland, 1999; photography 1:
Andrea Contratto.
BRAIN CONTROL performance (2003-): performed at: Wormsfestival V at PKW in Singapore in October,
2003; Womanifesto at Pridi Banomyong Institute, Bangkok in November, 2003; Brain Works, Goethe Institut, Bangkok in October
2004; Borders Within/Without at Nica, Yangon; Myanmar in 2005; New Territories at Tramway, Glasgow in February 2006;
Museumsnacht in Kunsthalle Basel 2009, Switzerland; Different Shades of Europe at Palazzo Rava in Ravenna 2013, Italy; view of performance
at Nica in Yangon, Myanmar; photography 2-4: V. Sitthiket
YEN CHAI,performance (2002)performed at: 4th Asiatopia "Art Center Not Shopping Center",
Bangkok,I` m standing on a televsion set. In the TV set there`s a man. His head looks through the set. He` s reading
out yesterday`s news. Loud- speakers blare his words into the audience and I` m simultanously holding a frozen heart in my hands. The melting water drops onto his head. With the last drop the
performance is over.